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Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Procedures

Rhinoplasty/Nasal Reshaping & Nasal Airway Improvement
Eyelids, Chin & Ear Enhancements


Rhinoplasty/Nasal Reshaping & Nasal Airway Improvement

Rhinoplasty (aka Nose surgery) is commonly used to shorten, lengthen, straighten, smooth out, turn up or turn down a wide variety of nose shapes, as well as restore normal breathing function. Quite often, nasal reconstruction can be covered by insurance if there was a previous traumatic event. We offer video imaging to display potential corrections and discuss options.


This procedure requires general anesthesia and is generally performed in an outpatient setting at the hospital. Recovery time is generally 1 week.

Chin Implants

Chin Implants help to define the jawline and are quite often combined with rejuvenative neck surgery. Either Facetite with microcannula liposuction or platysmaplasty can be added to the procedure to enhance the profile. Also, new advances in filler and stem cell fat grafting have allowed for profile correction without surgery.


This can be performed in an outpatient setting with minimal downtime.


AKA Ear Reshaping

Otoplasty is a procedure designed to remove extra cartilage from behind the ear to decrease ear projection, AKA the "lop ear" deformity. This procedure can be performed on patients of all ages and is tailored to individual patient needs.


This procedure is performed under conscious sedation in the office surgery suite. Recovery time is generally 1 week.

Eyelid Surgery

AKA Blepharoplasty

Eyelid surgery helps to remove excessive saggy skin and small fat pockets from the upper & lower lids. This helps to reduce lateral visual field defects and creates a more youthful appearance.


This procedure is generally performed on patients in their late 40s and 50s. Eyelid surgery is performed under conscious sedation in the office surgery suite. Recovery time is generally 1 week.

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